Our hearts were completely FULL seeing the faces and hearing the voices of appreciation and even the tears of JOY and GRATITUDE from the spouses and families of sailors from the “TR,” USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) and Carrier Strike Group 9 (CSG-9), including guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill (CG 53) and guided-missile destroyers from Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 23, USS Russell (DDG 59), USS Rafaela Peralta (DDG 115), and Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 11, as well as the USS Makin Island (LHD-8), during our days of Holiday Giving on December 21st and 22nd at American Legion Post 460 in San Diego, California.

We are truly grateful to the USS Roosevelt Battle Group Family Readiness Group team, including President Paula Wagner, Amelia Laprade, and Brigette Alee, who arranged for the families to come to American Legion and drive through. We appreciate and recognize all that you do in support and solidarity to care for your families during a challenging holiday season deployment, their second tour this year. Thank you for allowing us to have a glimpse of the sacrifice and support you offer on a daily basis to your families!
H3 Heroes Helping Heroes 4Life teamed up with Commander Brian Trum, along with State Commander Ed Grimsley, at American Legion Post 460 in Kearny Mesa, San Diego, to serve over 150 military families with deployed loved ones with 2000 Meals, 500 Turkeys and 900 Toys over Thanksgiving and Christmas!!

Thank You for Your Support
As dependents ourselves growing up in military families right here in San Diego, the team at H3 Heroes Helping Heroes 4Life KNOWS the feeling of missing a loved one for months at a time — especially during the Holidays. We KNOW how demanding it is for the parent on the homefront to “hold down the fort” and keep the family running. More importantly, we KNOW how much their missing loved ones DEPEND on leaders and the COMMUNITY to take excellent CARE of their families!
Special Thanks once again to American Legion Post 460 in Kearny Mesa, 3rd Vice Commander Ron Harrell, and Bartender and Community Helper Ms. Lynore Ontiveros for your hospitality! A huge Thank You to Ms. Alexandra Nath, Director of Catering Sales Manager, at Town and Country San Diego for her heart and help with turkey storage and loading! We are grateful for partners Hugs and Bags (Ms. Jacqueline Penhos) and the team at San Diego Community Assist (SDCA) with Mr. Xavier Mitchell for your desire to serve our military and underserved communities with us.
Most of all, we wish to thank and recognize the gracious hearts of the San Diego COMMUNITY who joined us in this undertaking of Genuine Goodwill with your donations during this challenging time, with a special thank you to Heritage Global Inc. for your generosity to make this Holiday Giveaway possible.
We invite you to JOIN FORCES with us to support our Active Duty Families with loved ones who are serving by continuing our efforts to build partnerships in our community and in yours!
Holiday Giving 2020 Video https://youtu.be/iOQxQzeJOUw

Our Nation’s Heroes Deserve Dignity
There are more than 500,000 men, women, and children in the United States that experience homelessness on any given night. Of those are 50,000 – 100,000 homeless veterans that have served in the United States Armed Forces. Our veterans suffer from higher rates of poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, and behavioral health issues. ~ 23 a Day is 23 Too Many ~
We all know as Americans we owe these Heroes a debt of gratitude for their service. H3 is determined to address this SHAMEFUL situation with an A-Z Solution and a “hand up” to help our Homeless Veterans and their Families restore DIGNITY.
Restoring a Sense of Dignity To Our Nation’s Heroes
At H3, our mission is to restore a sense of DIGNITY to our nation’s Heroes, Homeless Veteran Men and Single Women with Children who are living in unfavorable circumstances. H3 Heroes Helping Heroes 4Life is a grassroots Social Enterprise 501(c)3 (#83-3012642) that helps veterans and 1st responders with behavioral health, suicide prevention, and homelessness. Our mission is to serve and support these heroes & their families suffering from the silent wounds of 1st-hand and 2nd-hand PTSD by offering a life-line of healing that moves them to post traumatic growth.

Offering A Permanent Solution For Our Homeless Veteran Men and Single Mothers with Children
The C.U.R.E. begins with a program to enhance the efforts of yearly Stand Downs in cities across America. We will support our homeless veterans and their families the other 362 days of the year by offering the ONLY H3 National Alliance “Rolling Stand Downs” in the country on regular routes that solve 3 vital needs for Homeless Veterans and their Families, and help other underserved and vulnerable communities:
- Mobile Hygiene Units with showers, haircuts, toilets and handwashing stations
- COVID-19 Mobile Test and Vaccine Stations with rapid 20 minute tongue swab test results and COVID-19 vaccinations
- Resource Centers with medical, legal, employment, wellness, and benefits help
Once ready, we will help our veterans secure housing in our Tiny Homes Veterans Villages with programs for health and wellness, job skills and training, and on to permanent jobs and housing to become contributing members of society once again.
We are partnered with lavamaeX to assist the non-Veteran homeless and underserved while we focus on our Veterans who sacrificed for us and need our help.

Help Us Help Others
LET’S JOIN FORCES! You can support our veterans and other underserved individuals with your support of our Enterprising Projects to raise funds for our programs. We are a grassroots Social Enterprise and do NOT rely on government funds. We invite you to be part of the solution. Together, we encourage America to unite in supporting those who served by creating a path to hope, health, and healing.
“The vision of Heroes Helping Heroes (H3) is to ignite a sense of purpose, champion success and drive measurable results to homeless veterans of the US Armed Forces and their families. Through education, targeted fundraising, and serving the community as one, H3 aims to improve the overall health and restore a sense of dignity to our veterans living in unfavorable circumstances.”

About H3 Heroes Helping Heroes 4Life
H3 Heroes Helping Heroes 4Life is a grassroots Social Enterprise that helps Homeless Veterans and their families restore DIGNITY by offering a “hand up” through solutions for Behavioral Health, Suicide Prevention & Homelessness.
To volunteer, support, or donate, email us at [email protected] or call 858-245-1596